Tag Archives: life

In a cultural pickle

This week, a woman in her early 40s in the UK was forced to announce to the world that she had cancer and ask millions of people to leave her and her family in peace

On the other side of the world, another younger woman publicly apologised for liking and dating someone, disappointing fans who demanded that she remain single.

And let’s not even get started on the rising tide of identity crises, mental health issues,   insane pace of life and stress of being overwhelmed with information and impossible expectations.

How did we, society, get ourselves into this cultural pickle?

How did we get to a place where we encroach on others lives, sometimes when we don’t even know them personally?

Where we dictate how others should live? Or we allow others to dictate how we should or shouldn’t live?

How did we get to the point where virtual line becomes more important than real life and where we invest our interest in people we have never met?

Last week I came out of the weekend and into the working week exhausted. I faced my to do list at work and took a deep breath, pushing down the indigestion of panic.

We are at the end of March and with both of our full time jobs with increasing pressure and growing responsibility, interviews, endless drs appointments, people who are on my heart to pray for, some new commitments at church, and more, it was all a bit much.

I have reached a breaking point in the past and now when I feel myself getting close to that edge again I take certain actions. I know that once that thing in me snaps, it’s a place that takes a long time to come back from.

I asked God for advice, a strategy:

I booked myself an emergency Friday off and extended my Easter weekend break by two days.

I stopped contacting all but a few people to see how they are doing because I was concerned for them.

I drastically cut down on social media.

I started planning to do things that I know renew my soul: gardening, organising things at home, cleaning, creative activities like writing a blog post, going to the hairdresser, walking the dog and picking wildflowers on the way.

I closely watched my thoughts,  asking the Holy Spirit to help me stop thinking about work problems or worrying when it was not working hours or in the middle of the night.

A few weeks earlier I had already stopped watching the news and any Netflix series that had negative, spiritual or cruel aspects to them.

And I refused a couple of last minute invitations where there would be people to socialise with.

Everybody has a different make up of their character. What is good for one person is not necessarily what is good for another.

As I get older I get to know myself better and better.

I realise that I am an empath and that I have a pastoral heart, meaning I care for others and naturally want to help them and pray for them. I easily take on other people’s burdens but they weigh me down and I cannot easily stop thinking about them. News items with people constantly suffering can be overwhelming.

In short, social relationships drain me and when I am running on empty I need to refill before I can continue.

I am ambivert, meaning that I enjoy and need social interaction but it needs to be balanced with time alone for me to reengergise.

I am created to be creative, I am a planner an organiser and a thinker. When life becomes too rushed for too long and I can’t find that time to do these things, I need to stop and make time for them before I go on.

My heart is to help others and to see them liberated by God into the things he has for them and I love social media. Sometimes, I need to be reminded that first and foremost I am too experience life with God and enjoy him forever.

And then if I have time after that I can write or post about it. If I never do, that’s fine too. It’s not because I don’t say it outloud that it’s not true or didn’t happen.

Not everything needs to be expressed to others.

And as I thought about this time blocked out away from the world, I realise two things:

1. How even though everyone needs this emotional space, still society doesn’t allow it. How if you say to someone that you blocked the weekend to do nothing but be on your own and not see people, it is still seen as atypical and not acceptable.

2. That Jesus often, very often, went away on his own to pray and be by himself with God. And how people were constantly searching for him, not understanding why he needed to get away

Relationships are wonderful. We are created for relationship with God and with others.

Social media is not a bad thing, it can be an amazing way of connecting with other people.

But it is a tool and and not our master. And it is a broken mirror that easily distorts reality and can distance as much as it brings people closer. And it can cause us to confuse actual relationships with false relationships.

We desperately need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to be able to take the good in the virtual and apply it so that we engage in real life better.

I love Matthew 11:28 which says Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

The tiniest of flowers found on the walk with the dog, there were a cloud of them on brambly weeds.

The In Between

I was asked for a short bio today and I couldn’t think what to write. It’s for a repost from my previous blogging/writing life and I was thinking… who am I now? I’m not a blogger. I’m not a writer. I have a job but it’s not my identity, it’s something I currently do. I don’t do what I used to do and change is coming so we are currently laying down all that we are and all that we have done. One thing is wrapping up and another new thing is about to start but it hasn’t yet started and it is still just a faith dream.

I am in the IN BETWEEN.


The IN BETWEEN is humbling. It’s that place of total God dependence where you give up things you love for the promise of things to come but you don’t exactly know what is to come. It asks you to wait patiently, to be ok with not knowing the details, it asks you to trust God with your future and to step boldly out of the boat and into the water to do things that you’re not even sure you can do yet.

It is a place that is terri-citing – simultaneously terrifying and exciting but strangely peaceful too because while we might not know specifics, we are holding onto the promises God has been speaking into our hearts and continually reassuring us of.

The IN BETWEEN is a hard place for others to understand too. What’s happening? When will we know? What’s God calling us to? To be honest, we don’t know and it will happen when it happens. All we know is it will happen and when it does, we’ll let you know. We’d love you to be patient with us, to pray and press in on our behalf, to love us in the meantime and help us transition well.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  These are words that take on profound meaning when you’re in the IN BETWEEN. The things we hope for aren’t yet a reality and in a world where seeing is believing, we are asked to believe and then see. It’s counter-cultural and people secretly think you’re nuts.

The IN BETWEEN though is such an important place to sit and rest though. That place of waiting is where things ripen and mature, where they go from tasting a bit howyagoing to deliciously perfect. Instinctively I know that rushing the IN BETWEEN comes at my peril.

I think I’m coming to the point where I’m ok with being in between. I’m currently working on holding the tension between the things I can do, the things I want to do and the things I feel guilty about not doing. I”m working on reviewing what my priorities are and not worrying about what other people think of what I’m doing.

Are you in an in between place? Are you rushing the process or patiently waiting? Do you love change or hate change? As the end of one year approaches and a new one begins, what do you see new on your horizon?